Bargaining Stream Information

Hello Union Siblings!

As we have previously communicated, we have been hard at work getting all of our union access and insight into our bargaining process with OHSU management. To that end we are very excited to attempt our first live stream of our bargaining session today starting around 10:30am. It will be streamed live on our Youtube channel located here:

This is our first attempt at streaming our bargaining, so while we are excited to give you this unprecedented look at how our bargaining takes place we do ask for your understanding and patience as we work out any bugs or issues that may take place. There will also be times during the bargaining session that we will not or can not stream such as the caucusing sessions or during lunches and breaks. We truly hope this helps all of us in our union have more insight and a closer connection to what is one of the most important functions of our union.

If you have comments or concerns on the stream please feel free to reach out to

If you would like to reach out to the bargaining team directly you can contact

For Bread And Roses

-Sean Bovett, ICC Chair