Providence Strike

A little over two weeks ago, ONA made history when it initiated the first strike to include doctors in Oregon’s history. Despite rampant union busting efforts from the employer, Providence nurses and providers across the state remain resolute on the picket line, demanding the healthcare giant stop their union busting, address dangerous understaffing, and provide competitive wages and benefits to their workers.

This past Friday, ONA held a rally at Providence St. Vincent that drew a crowd of over 1,000 healthcare workers, including workers from AFSCME 328 and AURN. The overwhelming groundswell of community support sends a clear message to Providence and its wealthy executives: the community stands behind our striking healthcare workers. 

However, the strike is not over yet. ONA needs our continued support to maintain their strike and keep the pressure on Providence for a fair contract. 

Here’s how you can help:

  1. Donate to their strike fund to support workers on the picket line

  2. Follow Providence ONA on Instagram for strike updates and calls-to-action, and check out their website for detailed coverage

  3. Sign up for a picketing shift at a Providence location near you! This is a great way to make friends in the labor movement and build cross-union solidarity. 

Together, let’s show our union siblings that they have AFSCME 328’s full-throated support! Their struggle is our struggle, their fight is our fight.

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